The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department NHFG) has initiated its biennial rulemaking process. Pursuant to RSA 206:11, biennial hearings are held to provide the public with an opportunity to comment on and suggest changes to fishing and hunting rules, wildlife management strategies, and other Fish and Game functions.
This year the public has an opportunity to comment on the proposed rules at three public hearings being held this month and in April.
Several of the New Hampshire Wildlife Coaliton steering committee submitted comments and provided verbal testimony at the hearings.
New Hampshire’s wildlife are public trust resources. The public trust doctrine is a legal doctrine that requires government stewardship of the state’s natural resources in a manner that benefits all the public.
American’s war with coyotes has been so long and so hard fought, that we take for granted whether it even has to be fought. It doesn’t. In truth, coyote’s have incredibly biological properties that make them impossible to control with hunting — there are better ways.
New Hampshire Fish and Game’s hand-selected biologists ignore reality and favor the fantasy that New Hampshire’s wildlife “management” policy is working. It is failing the fisher, red and gray fox – learn how.